Monday, January 10, 2011

Four Candles

Dear little miracle inside me,

You have been quite the surprise! I can imagine that you will continue to do  that throughout your life and we are excited. We are slowing preparing for you to join our family, but it is all still a shock. I am already madly in love with you and cannot wait to feel you move, meet you, kiss you, and hold you. I am eager to see you grow into your personality and be a part of your journey. You are my dreams come true and I love you!

Not even two years ago we were told that it was highly unlikely that we would deliver a child. We had two miscarriages before your big sister Elianna came along and we did not expect to go full term with her, but surprise, surprise God gave her to us.  Now, it is your turn; no pressure. 

I will pray for you every step of the way; Elianna will learn to pray too. When you get here you will have a loving family that will never stop telling you that they love you.

Now- no more surprises!  I love you and will see you in 4 weeks! (at the first ultra sound)

Mommy & Daddy

Four candles; one for each of our children

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