Thursday, January 6, 2011

two lines

My day started off a little rough. Poor little Elianna did not sleep well at all. She was up every 2-3 hours and right when I managed to fall asleep, it feel as if she was just waking me up again. Well- at 5:36AM, I decided to venture towards the bathroom- a common meeting place for myself and the toilet (I can bet that I every time I wake up in the middle of the night.)

Anyways, upon this particular pee, I directed towards one of the most advanced technologies that I would ever pee on...and peed on it.

Previously, I had taken two other test and both were negative. But, I was having heartburn and acid reflux after drinking or eating non-acidic foods; so I knew something was up.

While waiting for the results, all i could think about was when i first found out about Elianna. I could feel my heart start racing and my eyes start watering. Its crazy that I can just close my eyes and be back in that Walmart bathroom stall staring at that stick. I remember seeing the results and just panicking- mainly in disbelief! I went blank in the face and ran out to my car. I ran so fast that I left my wallet behind. All I could do was look at that pee stick and think to myself- wow I am finally going to be a mom!

When the two lines became visible the other night, tears filled my eyes and loved filled my heart. I was so excited and thankful that God is going to send me another little blessing. These past six months with Elianna have been absolutely amazing. I have never loved something more in my entire life. I love watching her and feeling her cuddle up to me.

The reality of having another baby still comes and goes, but after talking to my doctors today, its setting in. September 5, 2011 is when our little miracle or miracles will arrive (remember twins run in my family).

Life is good!

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