Sunday, January 9, 2011

the girl that stole my heart

Her name is Elianna Parker Nielsen. She was born on June 29, 2010 at 11:17PM. This is my favorite "first moment" picture. I can remember her feeling so warm and looking so confused. I can remember holding her and talking to her while the knot in my throat grew bigger. I tried not to cry, but it was impossible. The tears streamed down my face and all I wanted to do was jump up and down with EXCITEMENT! I was so happy that she was finally here...32 weeks crept up fast.

And from there, time stopped. Just two weeks after this photo was taken, my heart stopped and my eyes filled with tears. I could not talk and became paralyzed with fear and devastation.    ...I was bleeding.

I did not want to lose my baby.

This time- we made it 34 weeks! We could not lose her now...I could not lose another baby and survive it.

- when I arrived in Sioux Falls, her heart was still beating. I listened to her heart beat for three days. I sat in that hospital and heard other babies cry and I so badly wanted to hear mine.

 Ultra sound after Ultra sound- they could not find anything wrong with her or the placenta, so they said that we could go home! I was thrilled and could not wait to get the cathader out! However, at the same time I was sad and scared. I did not want to return home, to lose her. I wanted to stay at that hospital where they could monitor her and make sure that she was okay. I wanted to stay at the place where they could make sure that she survive.

 I did not want to leave.

 But- my husband picked me up and took me home. From there, I went to my doctor every week. I tracked her movements and cried every time I heard her heartbeat. I prayed for her every chance I was alone with God and I told her that I loved her over and over and over again.

40 weeks took forever!

 But when she was ready to come, waiting seemed worth it. This photo was taken at 6:00AM on a Monday morning. Aron and I spent our last weekend together as a childless married couple and I can tell you- we could not think about anything else, but her...

Labor was a journey in itself. I will not get into all of the details, but the majority of the time, I was thinking about food. :)        I do not know if it was the epidural or the poor "eat whatever I want" diet that I had throughout my pregnancy, but I would have paused labor, at that moment, for a diet cherry pepsi and a scotch-a-roo bar!  However, the process went on and in a few short hours, she was in my arms.

   ...and then straight into her daddy's

This is the man that said he was not going to look when she came out and if anything he said that he would not cut the cord.... comment


After packing up and leaving the hospital, our journey home began. I can remember checking her every two seconds hoping that she was comfortable and praying that she would be okay. I would give my life for her. She was a very easy baby. I was a very "new" and worried mother. I did not sleep for the first month. I held her and kissed her every chance that I got and thanked God every second I got. I have never felt this lucky in my love. I have never been this in love with something soo small and perfect. She is perfect. She is the girl that stole me heart.

I love you Elianna! You will be a great big sister!
6 months, happy, healthy, and beautiful!

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