Monday, November 28, 2011

Did I mention...

a book? Yes indeed- it is coming- now, how do we prepare the word?

Through these brown eyes
By Clarissa Nielsen, Inspired by Mary Snyder

Prologue: Brown eyes

Reflection. What is that, that I see when I come face to face with what appears before me? A mirror. A girl's worst enemy. A portal? When I woke up this morning to glamorize myself, I came into contact with the very object that gets projected to the world daily and I saw me. I saw messy red hair, a cheesy smirk, sweat pants, and a sweat shirt (yes I sleep in winter wear- I am always cold)! I do not know what it is about this reflection, but I cannot withdraw and slowly, inch towards the object. Getting closer and closer,  my nose fogs up a tiny portion of the mirror. Turning my head slightly to the left and then to the right, I suck in my checks and begin to examine my skin for pimples and hairs that do not belong; I despise those hairs. Once satisfied by making alterations, I descend another inch and am immediately drawn to the brown eyes. Yes, they are just circles of color, but in the middle, there is a door; a tiny black circle door with a tiny little door knob. If you stare hard enough and long enough, you can gain a glimpse of a keyhole; how old fashioned. One would think that with all of the modernization that has taken place,  keys would vanish and something more efficient and convenient would replace it.

Well, in between your very hands is a tiny, tiny little key for my tiny black circle door. turning the page turns the key to unlock the doors. Enter at your own risk and enjoy.

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