Friday, August 31, 2012

My promise to you

I have lived on this earth for nearly 8800 days. I have been gifted to learn new things and see life through the windows of His glory. As I hear my theme song "The good life" from One Republic, my mind fills with words that turn into sentences and I just want to explode your mind with pieces of how I see life around me.

This week, I have been struggling. I have be feeling torn apart inside and all I want to do is run back into the arms of the Lord and feel his comfort. I am sure that given all of the factors that I deal with at work (heller I am a social worker), on top of feeling lost, and with the fact that the moments to heal are minimal, life feels impossible. ...if that makes sense.

I promise you, that with this blog, you will receive nothing but the truth. I apologize a head of time if I post something that comes across as offensive, but I am willing to put all of my failures in front of me for you and where ever you are at in your life.

Today, might just be a shuffle-of-my-shoes-repeat kind of day. But, I feel empowered to write again. I feel like God has been putting a lot of strength in me this entire week; strength that has been delivered to me in a number of different ways. I feel like He is calling me to lead and explode the web with my passion for life. "Is the world ready for this?" That is the question that leaves me second guessing. But with hesitation, I do not even know if I am ready, so I going to take things a little slow and as I feel necessary, I will push out as much as possible. :)  Lets rock it!  :)